Following the growing trend of social media in business marketing, Kyra Reed and Gretchen Fox utilize their expertise, helping entrepreneurial women build their businesses through social media

LOS ANGELES, CA / ACCESSWIRE / October 23, 2015 / According to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, women in the United States make 78 cents for every man’s dollar made. Kyra Reed and Gretchen Fox may have the solution to overcome gender inequality in the workplace. According to Entrepreneur Magazine, Reed is a pioneering a social media consultant, who completely revitalized the historic Sunset Strip through social media. Fox, a contributor to Forbes, has trained marketers across the country in their digital skills to transform their business.

Their new program Power, Prestige & Profits, offers a step-by-step how-to online course to help women take control of their lives and build their social media empire.

“Online businesses enable more flexibility with family and lifestyles,” says Reed. “Using social media to build your business is within reach financially and can be run from home, satisfying women who are wanting more flexible work environments and fair pay.”

Actress Jennifer Lawrence recently spoke out about the gender pay gap in an essay for the online blog Lenny.

“This is an element of my personality that I’ve been working against for years, and based on the statistics, I don’t think I’m the only woman with this issue,” Lawrence says regarding her lower payroll compared to her male colleagues. “Are we socially conditioned to behave this way?”

Although Lawrence’s salary and workplace aren’t as relatable, her dilemma is. Women now have the opportunity to seize the day and utilize their resources to bridge the gender pay gap. Social media is the most powerful tool for online business owners to market their businesses, even surpassing Google for traffic to their sites. Reed and Fox found an opportunity to use their expertise to help other women be successful and build their social media presence.

“Our previous agency consulting services were operated in a way where we couldn’t help entrepreneurs and small businesses at a rate they could afford,” says Fox, who was awarded Top Women in Social by Billboard Magazine. “After a huge response to our newly published Social System, we knew we had to package the learnings into a step-by-step online course, creating accessibility for women entrepreneurs everywhere.”

Reed and Fox have been featured nationally and are well sought out speakers in some of the most prestigious conferences in the industry including SXSW Music and Interactive. They have also lectured at USC and UCLA. In 2015 they launched Power, Prestige & Profits to focus on delivering high value online courses to serve the growing small business, entrepreneur and solopreneur communities in need of social media help at a price point they could afford.

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Face Stats: You Are Missing The Entire World Of Social Media

As my business partner, Kyra Reed and I work to crack the code to social media and help set much-needed industry standards, we continue to peel back the onion and reveal critical points where companies are failing — and failing hard.

And to really get this, you’re going to have to wipe clean your current understanding of social media and open your mind to see things differently. I mean, you can hold onto your preconceived notions but if you ever want your business to realize the full power of social, you know, the potential I keep talking about:

Something much more powerful. Something like a giant current of electricity connecting every man, woman and child across the globe. A power so strong and capable, that it can move entire countries of people to protest in the streets and spark viral videos to spread across the globe like a wildfire on a dry night.

Yes, that kind of power. But to really harness the full power, you’re going to have to do something uncomfortable. You are going to have to admit to yourself that you might not be doing it right.

Read more:


Face Stats: You Are Missing The Entire World Of Social Media

The Social System Talk with Gretchen Fox at SoGal Startup Bootcamp


I’m going to be giving a *riveting* talk on the Social System, the 5-step process for social media success at SoGal‘s Start-up Bootcamp on Sunday.

The agenda is great and I have a 20% discount for any of my women entrepreneur friends in the LA area this weekend (and a few free passes, as well). Ping me, if interested.

20% off w/code SG

The Social System Talk with Gretchen Fox at SoGal Startup Bootcamp

gretchen-fox, kyra-reed, mto agency

Bombs away. We launched our (awesome!) new newsletter this afternoon and think it’s pretty good, brief and fun if we do say so ourselves.

If you didn’t get it, you can view it here:

And then make sure to sign-up so you get it in the future here:

– See more at:

Social Media Parody Video with Gretchen Fox and Kyra Reed

We had a fun time making this parody video but seriously though, the social media professional struggle is REAL! We need to band together and insist that companies and clients follow the Social System. The world depends on us, Social Samurai.

Download the infograph for free at


Exec Producers and AMAZING wink emoticon Talent: Gretchen Fox & Kyra Reed
Associate Producer: Ashely Barber
Director/Camera: Piper Ferguson
Sound: Jeremy Brill

Social Media Parody Video with Gretchen Fox and Kyra Reed

Why Your Social Media Isn’t Driving Business (And How To Fix It)

Every CEO, marketing executive and entrepreneur that comes to my agency wants to see that magic hockey stick skyrocketing up and to the right on a sales graph. Everyone likes to casually reference the seemingly-overnight successes of products like Oculus Rift or “that time” when Oreo’s dominated the Super Bowl on Twitter. We get it, we love shiny objects, too.

And yes, with social, campaigns can become viral, and yes — brilliant, amazing moments are possible. But take just a minute to envision something more. Something much bigger. Something much more powerful. Something like a giant current of electricity connecting every man, woman and child across the globe. A power so strong and capable, that it can move entire countries of people to protest in the streets and spark viral videos to spread across the globe like a wildfire on a dry night.

Read more here:

By Gretchen Fox, Co-founder at [made to order]

Why Your Social Media Isn’t Driving Business (And How To Fix It)

The Re-Emergence of the Private Social Network

Amid a big year of data security concerns and intellectual property issues with 3rd party social networks, it’s no wonder Stanford University’s registrar Tom Black has turned to private when it comes to building social networking features like group chat for students.

“We have a legal responsibility to protect student’s data and we take that very seriously. We needed a way to allow our more than sixteen thousand students, thousands of faculty and staff, plus Alumni, to connect with each other in robust ways, safely,” says Black.

Read more here:

By Gretchen Fox, Co-founder at [made to order]

The Re-Emergence of the Private Social Network

Think You’ve Mastered Social?

With key players talking about the death of “social business,” due to a lack of buy-in from the C-Suite, I keep thinking, what? We are still at the very tip of the iceberg. And while Chris Heuer makes very good, well-thought out arguments as to why the buy-in isn’t happening, the reality is that anyone who isn’t buying-in and thinks his or her company has social already sorted out isn’t seeing the full potential. Let me point out just a handful of ways that we’re not anywhere close to “there” yet – and I mean, not even the power players.

Read more:

By Gretchen Fox, Co-founder at [made to order]

Think You’ve Mastered Social?